A Cup of Coffee to Start the Day in Taipei

Waking up for my first morning of true exploration in Taiwan, I couldn’t have been more excited! I started my journey by exiting the hotel, which while containing a main exit, also had a series of additional stairwells leading down to the main street. I decided to take one of these, as it would cut my time down from walking all the way to the main entrance. As I began walking downward, I noticed the area had not been very well kept. Lighting only offered by the few small windows along the corridors, discarded machines and trash piled at each floor, it wasn’t exactly what one would call glamorous. However, it was a quick way to exit to the streets, so it was convenient at the very least.

Exiting the building, I began my search for coffee, an essential step to starting off any adventure. Not knowing exactly where to go, I consulted Google for suggestions. The one that stood out the most was a place known simply as Wow Coffee. With a name like that, in addition to having a 5 star rating, I figured it was worth a look. I will say, if not for my GPS, I likely would have never seen the shop. The establishment is on the corner of the block, but much larger shops on either side, as well as a pillar that blocks view of the coffee shop from the main street, make it very easy to miss unless you are looking for it. After circling a few times, I eventually found it.

I took a look at the menu and decided upon an espresso. The barista politely confirmed my order, and asked me to have a seat. While he was making my order, I took the time to view my surroundings. From where I was, I could see the many different shops around me. From sellers of luggage bags to Christmas decorations, to the various food vendors pushing their cuisine to the appeal of the passersbys. Of course, the scooters zooming by were ever present.

The barista came back with my order, neatly presented on a wooden tray with an accompanying lukewarm glass of water. As I enjoyed my finely made fresh drink, the barista and I began to make small talk. Of course, the usual questions were presented to me (where are you from? How long are you in insert name of place, etc). In turn, I asked him about himself. I learned that he hasn’t traveled outside of Taiwan, but really wants to go to Tibet, as he’s heard it is a beautiful place. Though he doesn’t own this particular coffee shop, he dreams of opening his own someday, as coffee is his passion. He did express how it would be difficult, since it is a very competitive business. Though this is true, encouraged him, and told him he should work hard and try his best to achieve his goal. We talked for a bit more, but as more guests came he left to attend to them.

As I continued to enjoy my drink, I once again took to viewing my surroundings. I noticed a small black and white cat inside the shop. The barista informed me it was very friendly and cute. I would add curious to the list of adjectives, as the cat seemed fascinated by everything around it, wishing to learn more about how the world around it worked (a relatable feeling). In addition to the cat, I also looked at the inside of the establishment itself. It seems the claim to fame here was that everything is made fresh. Orders may take longer than other coffee shops, but that’s due to the fact that everything is made to order. No drip coffee at the ready here! They also have a series of different blended coffee drinks, though the descriptions were mostly in Chinese, making it difficult for me to have a clearer understanding.

In between making an order for another guest, the barista presented me with a small shot glass of a coffee drink (I assume it was a bit left over from making a drink for the other guest). He informed me it was called a Beethoven, a drink originating from Costa Rica, containing hints of fruit flavors such as oranges and apples. I gave it a taste, and was not disappointed in the least. Had I not already had my espresso, I might have ordered a full drink for myself.

When the bartender was finished, we chatted for a bit more. Soon after finishing my drink, I decided it was time for me to venture out. I thanked the barista, shaking his hand, and set out to explore for a bit. A good cup of coffee can help make a fine start to any day, and based on my experience here, it felt like today would be fantastic!

  • Josh
  • Traveler, teacher, student, dreamer.