Coffee Talk (random thoughts while sipping a warm drink)

Oftentimes when working towards something, road blocks and rough terrain can slow the course. The struggle of the pursuit can discourage the spirit, and many choose to forego their goals in favor of the road most traveled; That of a simple, non resistant path with little reward, but minimal effort. Perhaps it’s the fatigue, coupled with the comfort of ease of the daily tasks we go through every week. Knowing what comes next and what to expect does have its benefits. No surprises, less stress, more stability. In addition, the pursuit of rewards is rarely simple one. Time, money, effort, pain, struggles, failures, all among the price to be paid to achieve what many wish for, but few are willing to work towards.

Classic talk. Of course the risk verses reward concept is far from a new one. However, what happens after the reward is obtained? When what is worked for is finally achieved? Is it okay to sit comfortably and take a backseat to life? If the end goal has finally been reached, There’s no were else to go, right? For some, perhaps yes. For others, it’s a bit more difficult. For some, being comfortable brings discomfort, the constant day to day routine driving them into a quiet madness. The desire for something more is everlasting. Improvement must be a constant, new experiences sought out, for fear of life growing stagnant.

However, in the pursuit of improvement, there is also the burnout. Taking on numerous tasks, pursuing multiple goals, and bringing about a mental shutdown upon oneself. When the body forces it’s user to rest, to recharge oneself. After said rest, the user may continue their path, fully recharged and ready to take on their goals once again. Though, there is also the possibility of staying in the rest zone, falling into the comfort zone. Pulling oneself out of this area can be a challenge, many failing to realize they are in it. They assure themselves they’ll continue towards their goals soon, after they’re ready to continue the path. Though, many stay locked into this mindset. Tomorrow, soon, next week, eventually, someday. It becomes the new constant, a habit, a trap. Yes, rest is important, but overabundance of comfort can impede progress.

There is rarely a one size fits all to situations, each person must do what is right for them. weather they know what is right for them or not is another story entirely. In the end, perhaps the best indicator is figuring out if one is truly happy where they are at. If yes, no problem. If no or unsure, the pursuit continues.

  • Josh
  • Traveler, teacher, student, dreamer.