By the Sea: Yokohama

Moving away from the land-locked green of Tochigi, we ventured south to seek a different type of beauty. After three hours of passing through the countryside and city buidlings, we finally arrived at Yokohama station!

Because of the long train ride, we were of course hungry. That being said, we weren’t in so much of a rush that we were unable to enjoy our surroundings. After spending so much time in Tochigi (which is beautiful in its own way), the smell of the ocean air and view of the sea was immediately welcomed. It’s easy to take for granted the things you always had easy access to, only to long for them once they become more distant.

After admiring the water for a bit, we ultimately settled on a place to eat. Hawaiian style hamburgers at Kua ‘aina was the option this time, along with some Kona brew beer (a bit pricey here, but it’s a vacation!). I opted for a mozzarella chili burger, along with an island IPA. The burger was quite nice! The chili was almost salsa-like, which seems a bit strange, but the excess that inevitably slipped out of the burger worked extremely well with the dip of a fry! The IPA however, had a strong citrus taste (Grapefruit, perhaps?) that did not really appeal to my tastes. Despite the slight misstep with the beer, it was a pleasant meal.

After finishing lunch we searched around for a very specific shop, a shop of which there are several in Japan, though each have their own unique charm: The Pokémon Center! Finding the center took some time, as Google Maps was being a bit unhelpful and leading us around in circles (on both of our phones). Eventually we were able to reach the center, and it was fantastic!

Upon entering the store we were greeted by a few Pokémon statues, including some water types (appropriate for the Yokohama location). In addition, there were several plushes of Pikachu all dressed up in sailor outfits. The rest of the store was filled with tons of merchandise much like the other locations. From plushes to notebooks, even toilet seat covers, there was a plethora of all things Pokémon! We spent a great deal of time looking through it all, feeling very much like a children again.

After leaving the center, we returned to the train station to travel one more stop down the line to Sakuragicho. Here we were greeted with even more Pokémon surprises, as the station signs were filled with Pikachus and Eevees. This is likely due to the fact that every August a Pikachu Parade is held in the area, in which several Pikachus parade through the city, dancing along the way.

After some time we began to consider what to have to dinner. Ultimately Mexican food was the decision. We found a nice little restaurant that suited our needs and headed in. Upon entering the restaurant the atmosphere definitely fit the theme. Surrounded by Mexican apparel such as sombreros and guitars, bottles of imported liquor lining the shelves, and a YouTube playlist streaming Spanish music over the television. We took our seats and ordered our drinks. Though I’m not too fond of it, I opted for a tequila sunrise, given that the alcohol is difficult to find in this country. Tacos and quesadillas would be the main course, and given the circumstances, the quality was not too bad at all! Though it couldn’t possibly match the authentic taste, it did an adequate job and left us both content.

It was getting late, and time to retire for the night. Our adventure would continue the following day.

  • Josh
  • Traveler, teacher, student, dreamer.