My Growing Appreciation for Ice Hockey

In general, I wouldn’t consider myself much of a sports fan. I have my favorite teams for most sports like basketball and football, and I’ll occasionally tune in when there’s a big event (Super Bowl, etc). However, when asked what my hobbies are, watching sports is usually not one of them. Well, at least until recently. In the last couple of years, my appreciation for one sport in particular has been steadily growing, and I can say with upmost certainty now that I am indeed, an ice hockey fan.

I had always enjoyed watching ice hockey more than other sports. There just seemed to be more going on at all times during the game compared to other sports which appeared much slower. However, even years ago when I would watch hockey, it was usually only when I was invited to a game, or someone else wanted to watch it on television. At the time I did consider myself to be a fan, but it was much more casual than today.

After coming to Japan, I paid little attention to hockey. Occasionally I would look at updates on the score of my favorite team (the Anaheim Ducks), but otherwise I focused my attention on other things. Then one day, a couple years ago, my better half and I decided to attend a local hockey game in our prefecture, Tochigi. The team playing was the Nikko Ice Bucks, part of the Asian Hockey League.

We arrived at Nikko Station, which took us about 45 minutes by train to get to. From there, we decided to walk the rest of the way uphill to where the rink was located. I can’t remember exactly the amount of time, but after a while we started to become tired, considering if maybe walking wasn’t the best idea. By chance, a passing car slowed down and the driver questioned us (in Japanese) “You wouldn’t happen to be going to the Ice Bucks game, would you?”. We confirmed her inquiry and she kindly offered us a ride. On the way to the game, she asked us the usual questions foreigners often get asked: “Where are you from?” “How long have you been in Japan?” etc. Eventually we started talking about hockey. She asked if we watched hockey games back in the States, to which I replied “sometimes”. When we asked if she was a big hockey fan, she pointed to a small stuffed bear dangling from the rear view mirror, wearing a jersey with the number ‘46’, while replying “Yeah, my son’s one of the players”. Riding with the mother of one of the players, a nice little surprise!

After arriving at the venue, we thanked the woman for the ride and proceeded inside. We had some time before the game, so we were able to find our seats and explore for a bit. Like most sporting events, there are snacks and drinks available to enjoy. Unlike in the States where hotdogs and chips are a likely choice, in Japan, you can enjoy a nice bowl of hot ramen while you enjoy the game! As for drinks, domestic beer and mulled wine were our choices. A little different from back home, but enjoyable all the same.

Fried chicken and french fries. No ramen for us, this time.

It was soon time for the game to start. It was the Ice Bucks against the East Hokkaido Cranes. Though the arena was much smaller than the ones back home, the game was just as enjoyable. I started to remember why I had enjoyed watching hockey in the first place. The atmosphere, the fast paced action, the coordinated teamwork on display, it makes for an exciting experience. Even though our team lost that day, it was still a great outing.

Strikingly similar colors to the Ducks!

A few years later, I began wanting to come back to hockey. Given the current state of the world, going to a game in Japan or the U.S. isn’t likely for a while. Luckily, the NHL season recently started up again, and thanks to an affordable ESPN+ subscription, I have access to up to two games each day. In the past month I’ve learned a bit more about the sport, its rules, and the teams that make up the NHL. I’m even starting to enjoy watching other teams play, with some of my favorites being the San Jose Sharks and the New York Islanders. Sure, there are some differences such as all of the Canadian teams being in one league (due to travel restrictions across the northern border) and the absence of a crowd makes it look a bit empty at times, but it’s still hockey! I’m finding more of an appreciation for it than I did years ago, and now see it as a nice way to wind down and escape from daily stresses. My parents even graciously agreed to send my Ducks jersey from back home! I’m looking forward to the day when everyone can see a live game in person together, but until then, We can continue to enjoy it from afar.

Fly Together!

  • Josh
  • Traveler, teacher, student, dreamer.


  • That was a nice story Josh! We really miss going to Ducks games. I’m not sure how we can ever go back to watching a game in person without social distancing and wearing a mask. Such a strange year it has been.

    • Thanks for reading, Shelley! I agree, it does seem unlikely we’ll be able to enjoy hockey games in person the way we want for this season. I’m grateful for the broadcasts, though, and am hopeful that next year will be better.

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